Monday, 21 October 2013


Birdy Birds :

the little interest we as humans have lately in the relation with the nature“.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Hyper touch guitar

Hyper touch guitar :

Introducing the Hyper Touch Guitar. From the mind of Max Battaglia at Givingshape Design Studio, this unorthodox design replaces strings with a multi-touch screen, allowing the user to adjust the number of “strings” and frets, as well as tuning and sound effects. A wireless command center that permits endless customization and infinite possibilities of expression.
Designer: Max Battaglia

Monday, 14 October 2013

Sunday, 13 October 2013

these four secrets of the ninja can help you overcome anything

these four secrets of the ninja can help you overcome anything

A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a person perfected without trials. ~ Chinese proverb

We all know how important mental and physical strength is for our well-being. But in order to overcome any hardship, and create a life that’s not just ordinary, but extraordinary – we also need spiritual strength. When all three kinds of strength – physical, mental, and spiritual are present, we can become spiritual warriors.
Being a spiritual warrior doesn’t mean we’re super-human. It means that we’re able to overcome hardship. This is what the secret code of the Ninja – the shadow-warriors of ancient Japan – can teach us.
. .
The Ninja taught that one should embrace hardship. We all know that the hard times, when we have to grit our teeth and just simply continue walking uphill – step by step – are the ones where transformation begins.
The secret teachings of the Ninjas are based upon the ancient Chinese lore of the four elements: earth, water, fire and wind. It may sound esoteric, but this wisdom is really practical and down to earth.It can help us find a new perspectives when we get stuck in life.

1. be like the earth

This secret is about being grounded. When we are grounded, we are steady and collected in mind and body. In terms of martial arts, to be like the earth means to stand your ground. In life this translates as staying steady and remaining grounded in reality.
  1. Take off your shoes, go outside, and connect with the earth through your feet. Closing your eyes and breathing into your belly, imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground.
  2. Walking meditation is another wonderful way to become grounded.


2. be like fire

Fire has tremendous power that can be used for survival – but it can also be destructive if not contained. A spiritual warrior embraces fire in the form of passion. The seat of fire energy is in the hara, or lower belly. Anger is also an expression of fire energy. Most times anger is destructive, but there are also times when it is a skillful emotion. Anger can give us the strength to stand up against injustice, and the courage to defend ourselves against all odds.
Animals use fire energy for survival. I’m sure you’ve seen how a kitten threatened by a dog can turn into a furious ball of puffed-up fur that goes on the attack. Even big dogs choose to turn tail and run when faced with such a fiery little monster.
.In terms of martial arts, fire signifies attack. In life, to be like fire means using passion in order to overcome barriers.
Place both hands on your lower belly and feel you breath there. Close your eyes and connect with the power and passion in your hara (lower belly).

2. be like water

    The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world.
    ~ Lao-Tzu
Water finds its way to the sea. No matter what mountains block the way. A mountain stream (like in the image above) flows gracefully around rocks.  In terms of martial arts, to be like water means to avoid, or deflect an attack. In life, to be like water means to find ways of reaching your goals by moving around an obstacle, instead of confronting it head-on.
Place both hands on your chest and feel your breath there. Close your eyes and connect with your steady purpose and quiet courage.


4. be like the wind

The wind can change direction at any moment. It has no fixed direction. As human beings, we suffer from the opposite: as life goes on, we become more and more fixed in the way we live and in the way we think. We become creatures of habit, and change seems more and more difficult.
In martial arts, to be like wind means to adapt to circumstances without pre-conceptions. In his book  The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, Ross Heaven says:
The Ninja reckoned that 80 percent of our available energy is locked into habits that stem from generational and social conditioning. They became expert warriors by using their enemy’s reliance on habit against them and employing the element of surprise – the other 20 percent – themselves.
Because we fixed in our ideas of who we are and what we are capable of, we miss countless opportunities to grow and develop. Doors open in life – but sometimes we don’t see them. We walk past because we don’t expect to see a door there. When we become like the wind, we can be light and flexible in our thinking an actions.
Stand up straight and stretch out both arms as far as you can – as if you are poised for flight. Close  your eyes and feel the energy in your fingertips. Notice how light your body feels.


how to use these secret teachings

What I find really useful is to recall these four different modes of being when I’m faced with a situation in which I feel stuck. i take each energy in turn and apply them to the situation. Say, for example, that I was in conflict with a loved one. Each of the secret teachings can reveal a way forward. It may be that reflecting on earth energy would give me a sense that I need to stand my ground, and  fire energy would give me the courage to speak the truth. On the other hand water energy would remind  me to keep true to my path in life, and wind energy would suggest that I move gracefully around the problem without confronting it directly.
Every time we are stuck, it helps to find new ways to think about the situation. And this is the beauty of the Ninja teachings – they are simple, but deep.


who were the ninja?

We know little about the origins of the Ninja, the ‘children of darkness’. They practiced the arts of stealth and invisibility in the mist-shrouded mountains of medieval Japan. It is thought that these warriors were ex-military men who fled China after the collapse of the T’ang dynasty and settled in Japan. When they arrived in Japan, the Ninja became teachers of martial arts, philosophy, and mysticism adapted from the esoteric knowledge of India and Tibet and the spiritual practices of Chinese monks and shamans.
Few records were kept of its existence. Most of what is known about the ninja is taken from stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. The history of the ninja is shrouded in mystery.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

How To Trace An Email Using Its IP Address

How To Trace An Email Using Its IP Address:

In the beginning of the web, tracing an email address was practically impossible. Nowadays a bunch of free tools for this purpose have sprung up all over the web. Availability of these tools combined with an improvement in tracking geographic locations of world IP addresses, have made the job a lot easier.  In this article I will explain how to trace an email address back to its original sender using freely available tools.

How To Obtain The Email Headers
To trace an email address, we first need to obtain the IP where that email came from. This can be found on the email headers. An email header  is basically code containing information necessary for communication and routing. Usually headers are hidden from regular users because they look messy and are irrelevant in the content of an email. Uncovering these headers is different for each email provider. In the following section I will cover how to un-hide these headers for the most popular email providers and programs.

Getting Email Headers in Gmail
Open the email to be traced. Besides the reply button you are going to see a small arrowhead pointing down, click on it; then click on “Show original” (see image)..

Getting Email headers in Hotmail
Open the email to be traced. Besides the reply button you are going to see a small arrowhead pointing down, click on it; then click on “View message source” (see image).

Getting Email Headers in Yahoo
Open the email to be traced. On the new email’s top menu click on the Actions button ; then click on “View Full Header” (see image).

Getting Email Headers in AOL
Open the email to be traced. On the new email’s top menu click on the Actions button; then click on “View Message Source” (see image).

Getting Email Headers in Outlook
Open the email to be traced. Besides the reply button, you are going to see a small arrowhead pointing down, click on it; a new window will appear and at the bottom of it, you will see a section named “Internet Headers“  (see image).

Identifying IP To Be Traced From the headers
Once you open the headers, look for something titled “Received:” or “X-originating-IP:” with an IP address besides it. Take a look at the image below, those are the headers from actual email spam. I have covered part of the IP in case they have cleaned up their act.

Tracing IP Address
To trace the email’s IP address, copy the IP obtained from the email headers. There are many free IP tracing services on the web; the following are some of them:  (use their live demo)
The following is a picture of VisulRoute. It shows that the IP in question is coming from Bangalore, India.

Final Thoughts
Tracing an email address location can be very easy with the right tools.  A word of caution:  Finding an email’s source does not automatically mean the originating IP’s owner is guilty of actually sending that email. Spammers use other peoples’ IPs to prevent from being detected. They can do this in a variety of ways, such as spoofing, hacking the sender’s computer, etc.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Top Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Top Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

There are thousand stuff that look for decoration in average house and stairs are just not one of them. Yet, there are a lot of options available for home stairs decoration and once you check them out you will realize how boring your regular stairs are. At this point you will already looking for one of the 25 designs presented in today's article searching for one that will fit your home decorating design the best. Starting from regular paint, vinyls, stickers, decals, led lights, carpets to different materials selection there are numerous ways to decorate your stairs in order to make them interest and attractive.


home stairs decoration 1 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Painted Stripes

home stairs decoration 2 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 3 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 4 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Washi Taped

home stairs decoration 5 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Nautical Rope Banister

home stairs decoration 6 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Staircase Decals

home stairs decoration 7 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 8 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Bike Rack

home stairs decoration 9 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Piano Keys

home stairs decoration 10 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Wooden Palletts

home stairs decoration 11 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Lego Railing

home stairs decoration 12 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 13 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Ombre Bannister

home stairs decoration 14 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Carpet Collage

home stairs decoration 15 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 16 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 17 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 18 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 19 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 20 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects

Rainbow Lighting

home stairs decoration 21 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects


home stairs decoration 22 Top 25 Home Stairs Decorating DIY Projects